President’s Day is next Monday, February 15th, and while most working adults do not get to enjoy the holiday (with the exclusion of state and federal government employees), all local schools do celebrate the holiday. And because of that, the holiday is included in the 2013 updated version of the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines ‘ list of holidays that are to be rotated between the custodial and noncustodial parent.
Under the 2013 guidelines, this year the noncustodial parent is given from Friday at 6:00 P.M. until Monday at 7:00 P.M. It’s important to keep in mind that under the new guidelines: “If a parent misses a regular weekend because it is the other parent’s holiday, it will be lost. If a parent receives two consecutive weekends because of a holiday, that parent shall have the third weekend also. Regular alternating weekends shall continue throughout the year.”
However, if the 2009 guidelines or any prior version of the guidelines applies in your case, the holiday IS NOT included under the guidelines. In other words, if the older version of the guidelines applies to your case, the normal weekend rotation schedule applies to the weekend, despite the Monday off of school.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of local schools that have President’s Day this year:
- Warren Township
- Perry (Snow Make Up Day)
- Lawrence
- Franklin
- Decatur
- Wayne
- Pike
- Washington
- Carmel Clay
- Zionsville
- Brownsburg
- Avon
- Plainfield
- Danville
- Indianapolis
- Speedway
- Greenfield
Many of the above schools use President’s Day as a snow makeup date so if your school has had a snow day this year, it’s important to double-check whether students will be making the day up on President’s Day.
It is also worth noting that most courts are closed in observation of the holiday, including the Marion County Courts, Boone County Courts, Hancock County Courts, Hamilton County Court, Johnson County Courts, and Hendricks County Courts.